Tuesday 2 October 2007

'Worrying' HIV ignorance in young

No, it's not Nepal - "Nine in 10 young people [in the UK] rarely or never think about HIV when making decisions over their sex lives, a BBC poll shows." (BBC News). Shame on you.

This has prompted the BBC and Terence Higgins Trust to launch a 2 month campaign. Fantastic! But why did they decide to call the campaign's website "GI Jonny"? Do any modern yoof even know there used to be a soldier doll called GI Joe? Is a message delivered by a US Army soldier one that they will think is credible - "Listen to me otherwise I will take you prisoner, put you in an illegal jail and subject you to inhumane torture".

Anyway I couldn't resist going to the website and customising a GI Jonny (had to rename it because "There is only one GI Jonny") to show you:

Mustn't make light of it, the message is serious and I hope the campaign has some impact.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G.I. JV created and added to my Facebook profile to spread the word ;)