Tuesday 2 October 2007

Nervous diplomats?

Impressed though I am at the speed at which they updated the Travel Advice and their obvious concern for my safety, the Foreign Office may have been a bit too quick yesterday. Yesterday one of my colleagues came back to the office to say that there had been a bomb at the Japanese Embassy which is less than half a mile away (under 1km for metric types) from our office. We didn't hear anything and no one seemed worried when I queried if it was a good idea to go for lunch in that road shortly afterwards. When we got to the main road and traffic was moving as normal, I concluded it was just another rumour. So it was a surprise to get a Travel Advice e-mail from the Foreign Office (no, I don't have a personal minder there, it's an automatic mailing list) stating that there had been a bomb – maybe they should have checked with the local police first, the statement in the papers this morning was that it was a box of fire crackers thrown by a couple of guys on a motorbike. Not exactly a weapon of mass destruction but I suppose it's the thought that counts.

To Anonymous who added a comment on my last post thanking me for the information on how to watch the Rugby World Cup here – no worries, mate, just click that "Donate Now" button to show your thanks. Good luck finding a TV to watch at midnight in Pokhara!



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