Friday 24 August 2007

Eyes likes jewels in a pool of wine

That's rubies in claret, we've both had a nasty dose of conjunctivitis for the last week. Sheila came down with it first and on Sunday morning with an eye like a cricket ball went to the clinic where the doctor told her it was the nastiest case he had ever seen (I bet he tells that to all his patients) and was given drops, cream and pills. I'd got it by the afternoon. A friend who came round for dinner on Sunday evening reckoned her eyes were itchy after a couple of hours with us (no hugs or kisses) before phoning us the next morning to say she'd got it. Just a bit contagious! It’s a seasonal thing I think, we escaped it last year although I do remember having it in Delhi (along with everyone else in the office) and it sounds like there is a mini-epidemic in various places in Nepal now. Sheila's eyes are still puffy but they have dried up so she went to work today. I haven't been at all this week because apart from struggling to read I was terrified of infecting everyone at the office or, even worse, our Care & Support centre where there are some pretty sick people who really don't need the added complication of "eye flu". One of mine is still a bit gunjy but hopefully will be clear in a day or so.

Josie wanted us to post photos of our horror film eyes. Since neither of us are fans of seeing photos of ourselves at the best of times and not everyone shares Josie's taste in technicolour medical pictures, we declined. Anyway, the camera is supposed to get rid of red eye.  Just take my word for it they were messy!

Should be back to work next week. It's Gai Jatra on Wednesday, the Nepali cow festival that Blue Diamond Society has taken over to be our annual gay pride rally where everyone dresses up and we do a march round Thamel. I will try to post some pictures of this.



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